Wedding Tip Wednesday

We have gathered many invaluable tips and advice over the years and there's nothing we love more than giving a little something back to people we know this information will help! That's precisely why you'll now find 'Wedding Tip Wednesday' videos are a regular - guess which day of the week they come out on!? - part of our blog.

Covering everything from table planning and napkin-folding to icebreakers and long-distance wedding planning, the series gives you the chance to put a voice and a face to a name (I can't help cringing when I watch it but hopefully you won't be doing the same!).

So if you're looking for help or advice on a particular topic why not see if we've covered it. If we haven't, do let us know and we'll happily consider your questions for later in the 'Wedding Tip Wednesday' series!

Guest Blogger Tammy from Magic Dust

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